Monday, April 9, 2012

Go-Busters Episode 6 Review: Tokumei Gattai!

The episode starts with the team testing out their skills with a simulation. In it the team try to combine their mechs together, but Hiromu messes up and the simulation ends. This isn't the first time though as Hiro as messed up 20 times. Hiro wants another go at it since all he needs to practice with is the timing. Ryuji says no to that though and the commander agrees with him and commands the group to meet him. In the meeting room, Hiro is being scolded since the Ace is the most important part of the combination process. Yoko is surprised to see Hiro having so much trouble, but that is only because he is under enemy attacks. There he tries to make an idea of retreating and then combining, but Gorisaki says no since Gobuster-oh takes too much Enertron. The commander says that Hiro is hesitating too much and then Ryuji goes back to saying that there is no point in training. When Hiro asks why, Ryu replies by saying he is a genius pilot. After the credits and a narration about the base we see a strange card like object appears from the sleeping Megazord from episode 4. It floats away into the city where Enter picks it up after communicating with Messiah. Now Enter begins another plan as the card has made a path for Enter to see.
Going to Yoko who is eating a snack telling Ryuji that he should let Hiro know that he is failing. Ryuji says that telling him will fix nothing as Hiro as to fix the mistake by himself. With Hiro he sits in the cockpit of the Ace and thinks about where he messed up. He knows that's the fastest he can go while under an enemy attack. Nick talks to Hiro about a similar event thirteen years ago where Hiro tries to skip rocks across the lake. Ryuji comes along and does it right as the young Hiro keeps trying. Nick thinks it will be easier to ask Ryuji what the issue is, but Hiro says he will do it by himself. Enter reaches a vent where the card slipped out of and summons the Sprayroid to spray a chemical in it. The base picks up the readings and sees that the Metaroid is right on top of the base. Soon an emergency call is broadcasted saying that there are intruders. Enter is that intruder as he walks inside of the base. The commander thinks that he is here to get the Gamma Megazord back and orders the team to remove both foes from the base. The people in the Seventh hanger are running away as the team transform and find Enter. He summons the grunts to attack as he walks away with the roid.
With the team distracted Enter reaches to the Megazord where he brings it back to life and meanwhile the roid starts to melt things. With Enter getting the zord back the commander decides to blow up the hanger soon. The Busters reach to the hanger telling Enter to leave, but he doesn't listen of course and wakes up the zord. The Gamma robot fires two missiles and break through two of the barriers. The commander says to close all the other doors expect one because he wants the Busters to escape. Blue and Yellow fight the roid and Hiro fights Enter, but Enter hacks into the programing and activates the self destruct sequence. The team tries to escape, but Enter constricts them with his wires. Enter gives the wires to the roid as he escapes. The commander thinks of opening the top entrance, but it won't open by order. The Busters now have to open it manually as Blue breaks through, frees Hiro and throws him out of the room. This is part of Ryuji's plan as he wants Hiro to open the top door with the Ace. Hiro gets to the Ace and talks to Nick about Ryuji's sudden thinking. Hiro now sees that type of thinking needs no hesitation and Hiro was thinking of many possibilities which only distracts him.
The Megazord then appears and attacks Hiro from behind and his sword is soon melted by the spray. Meanwhile with the other two they destroy the roid's tank by blasting it. With only a minute left, Blue and Yellow finish the roid of with the Special Buster finisher. The Gamma bot attacks the two though and now there is only 30 seconds left. The other mechs appear to help Hiro and Nick, but Hiro soon gets the door though by getting the robot to use it's chemical spray. When it does he takes the arm and uses the chemical to open the door, at the last second Ryuji grabs Yoko and jumps out. The two are saved, but the Gamma bot survives the explosion and helps the Alpha bot. With only 50 percent of Enertron in the Ace, its time to finish things with Gobuster-oh. To starr the Ace fires missiles at the two Megazords while the other two type in the commands. It seems Hiro's fault was that he thought of only himself and didn't rely on his team, but he does now as a barrier protects the Ace from damage. Hiro enters in his commands and finishes the combination. A new blade is sent to them as the Megazords try to attack, but with a barrier arm it deflects the attacks. To finish things a high amount of Enertron is sent to the blade and a strange light emits from the legs of the mech. The light makes a sphere barrier appear around the two Megazords, trapping them as they are destroyed with the Dimensional Crash! With the fight over Ryuji mentions about never giving up from the the event 13 years ago. Yoko starts to pick on Hiro about how stubborn he was as the last thing we see are the young Hiro and Ryuji skipping stones.
Episode 6 is pretty good, first the big thing is the reveal of Gobuster-oh. First like Meteor Storm's reveal, it was short. It was still passable though because it's the first time and the finisher is cool. It's a basic slash, but the execution is done differently and makes it feel better. Another thing with the mecha is the combination process. An actual barrier appears during it which breaks the joke about how the enemy could just attack during a long combination. Also the whole process itself was great because the team need to combine even under enemy fire which shows a lot of strategy. The whole episode though feels odd though. First there is Hiro and to me he seemed a little off in this episode with some of his lines. Yoko barely had any big interactions which is odd because she does a lot of talking in the previous episodes. Also the Buddyroids barely had any interaction like some of the previous episodes. Enter though was great again because he really does think about his plans. The heroes had the robot since episode 4 and Enter uses it now other than before and how he uses it to try and murder the Busters. The roid for this episode was average at best since he barely did anything. Sure he got in the base, but that's mostly it. There wasn't that much action either. The grunt action was good, but the fight with the roid was disappointing because it was very short and it mostly happened while Hiro was fighting the Megazord. This means that the scene skipped a couple of times around and made things feel rushed. The ending comes right after the battle and I never like that because I want to see other character moments. I would like to at least see Enter seeing that his plan failed because when he leaves he really does for the whole episode. Overall it's a passable episode because of how great Enter is becoming and the reveal of Gobuster-oh, but many other elements felt ignored, a C
Next Time: Conga line!


  1. While Go-Busters has been a decent watch so far, I don't find the story or the characters to be very engaging. The show has yet to show why I should care at all. I really hope the show gets better fast.

  2. Dang, I am actually liking the series and so far this is the only episode I found some ehh parts so far. I really like Enter the most right now. He is already becoming a great villain as he is very smart. For the team they are okay right now and I like Blue the best. He acts like the older brother figure and it works well in this series since the other two are pretty young at heart still. Overall Go-busters is going good for me right now. I like the fights and how they are finishing them with different methods than the usual big flashy finishers. The show also has a good amount of realization like with how the plans work out and how time moves in the show.

  3. I can see a lot of potential for this show. I just find the show kinda awkwardly paced, so it hasn't really drawn me in yet. I think the show is still decent. But if it keeps going at the pace that it's going right now, I doubt it'll become a favorite of mine.

  4. Well I'm on Orends Range side with this show, I like the that this series is making some pretty big changes and bringing back somethings that haven't been done in Sentai for a while. I think the show will easily go higher soon.

  5. I admire the show is doing that too. It's got a very late 90s vibe going on for it. The mecha and sci-fi executions remind me very much of Megaranger and GoGoFive, and to an extent even Timeranger. While it's not necessarily anything new to sentai, it's something that I think Sentai shouldn't have lost in the first place within the last decade. Despite the show having a lot of cool elements, I don't think it makes up for it's story with it's flashiness. But again, I'll see where all this building up leads to.

  6. Sentai always begin with a vague story most of the time, I know a more complex story is coming up and that will because of Enter probably.

  7. I don't agree that Sentai always starts vague at the start. xD And even if they did, they should still have something to have me get engaged into it. Go-Busters doesn't really have that for me (for now). And I have major issues when a show makes me wait for the good parts. But like I said, Go-Busters is still a decent watch for me, so the show is still being carried along. I'm not disliking it or anything. I just wish it could be a bit cooler is all. I am giving it until like ep 13 or something, and then I'll see where the show is going.

  8. Alright and I said most of the time not every series does that. There are series that make you wonder what's going on at times, like Gekiranger. There was a whole back-story that was mentioned when Long came into the stage. I think I will wait until the reveal of the fourth and fifth rangers for my opinion to sink in. Another thing that I need to say is that this series is nothing like Goseiger. I have been hearing this with some fans and I don't see it.

  9. As much as I like Gekiranger, I think that show also could've been handled a bit better during the pre-Kageki episodes. Yah, seeing what those two bring in should be interesting. I do feel like Kobayashi is taking her Timeranger approach with the characters so far. And who in the right mind thinks Go-Busters is anything like Goseiger??? 0__o I don't see it either. Those fans know nothing about comparison. xD

  10. I remember seeing a poll on Henshin Grid and it got me thinking and then I found out there are like no similarities at all so far.
