Monday, March 25, 2013

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 27 Review: YES!!!! (Major Spoiler Alert!!!)

Oh my goodness! We got one big episode today! With Mayu knowing that her sister is a monster and now that Medusa knows that her Gate's sister is around what will she exactly do now? Will it be a lovely reunion or will things end up in despair?
I so need to talk about Mayu first. This is another character who has a relation with someone who was replaced with a Gate, but this time she knows that Misa is a Phantom. What she doesn't know if Misa is still around. The gang did tell her that, but she still has her doubts. She is soon tricked by Medusa and is taken into despair when she finds the truth that her family is gone. The scene gets a whole lot worse when Medusa drains Haruto of his magic powers leaving Mayu into despair. Then it happens, she comes to a full realization and overcomes despair! I was fully surprised by this since having Medusa win would make tons of sense since she is a big villain. Also Mayu was being seen as not a Gate and then having that be the twist and then having another twist that comes to fully surprise me. Going on with Mayu, she sees that Medusa is not Misa at all and what Misa said to her about making new beginnings is what saves her. She takes the advice and will not let her life end by someone just pretending to be her sister. Finally the White Mage appears and saves Mayu and even takes her with him cause she chooses to be a mage, or should I say a witch. Oh please let this happen!
Now with Medusa she does what Lizardman tried to do and actually did it. She drove someone her Gate knew into despair. I love seeing Phantoms using the memories of their Gates to drive people down into the ground. Sora is very right on how they should be thankful for their Gates cause they wouldn't have their bodies or memories. Medusa really has a step up thanks to this episode since last time she was just going to get a Gate and be out in the open. With this she planned things and even used Sora to her advantage like he did to her. Now Medusa herself has failed with taking a Gate into despair so I wonder how she will take this when she comes back, because I can guess she is going to take a break. I will give full credit to the actress then cause she plays two roles and how they shown the twins in the episodes was very well done. The actress really pulls of the evil of Medusa and the innocence of Mayu.
Sora had his little moment for this episode as we get to see more of his speed and teleportation. He can appear at nearly any corner and side. What I love the most is how in his first fight we didn't see exactly how he was getting to one spot from the other. We know fully know that he can teleport to many places and appear from walls. This also connects to how his human form is a fast moving guy who runs on walls. So Sora got a good show on his fighting powers and so can't wait to see when things get more intense, but keep Sora the way he is I beg you! I don't want him to have the Enter issue!
For our heroes they were being beaten up this time. Now I did love how the team protected the first Gate in this arc. They stayed close to the girl and I know she didn't have much for the story it makes sense since the episode was to reflect on Mayu and Medusa. This is a great way to show a struggle and the good news is that no one got killed. I said before on how I don't like characters who are only used for a death scene and this was a great way to use despair. Haruto easily knows what would have happen if she didn't fight her despair. Now I will ask what took Beast so long to get to the scene, but I guess keeping a close eye on the Gate is important. With two riders it's smart to have one rider with one Gate. The heroes did really well and seeing them still be in a struggle was excellent.
Now it's time for more and more questions. We have always been wondering who the White Mage is and we still don't know. Now he appeared before Medusa and Sora even knows of him. So we have a feeling that the White Mage is not with the Phantoms. I am still wondering on what his aim is. What is also holding my curiosity is that if Mages can still fall into despair. Medusa mentioned that when Mayu falls into despair then Haruto will. Also we saw the White Mage's familiar following Mayu so does he keep an eye out for Gates? You think this would make us think of the White Mage as a hero, but still we don't know anything about him. So this character is being well done and I bet his reveal will be big. Finally, he is still more powerful than Haruto so he can still grow to reach the White Mage's level of magic.
The action was mostly at a bigger point when it first started since we got to see Sora's powers again, but in a more clearer view. Hurricane Styles got used for this part when he arrived to help Beast. The two teaming up on Sora was great and they actually got big hits on him. So seeing teamwork is good and before that Beast was getting beaten down by Sora. Then the second part is with Wizard and Medusa, but it was quicker. I like this because Medusa is not taking any risks so she drained him so that he cannot fight anymore. So the fights show more of what the villains can do which is good.
I love this episode a whole lot, I know I love the many other episodes and the series so far, but this is a ground breaking episode. We had the heroes almost lose with a big consequence. The fights were well done with Sora's fight being the best of the episode, but I do like seeing Medusa stopping Wizard. The White Mage still begins to get my interest. Then the best part is that Mayu has overcome her despair and will become a Mage like Haruto and I so hope we will see her later in the series. I give this episode an A+
Next Time: Sora, Kousuke is not a seat cushion


  1. We had some classic rider stuff going on with Mayu. Family is killed by a monster and is offered power for revenge. Good stuff. You can also see how troubled Haruto was at the mere fact White Wizard was telling her to become a wizard.

    The fact that Haruto felt like it was something only he should deal with and now someone else is in his shoes. But I didn't expect that at all. And it seems Gremlin knew who White Wizard was so I have no idea who he's working for.

    Honestly I really like Kousuke and in fact like Shunpei a little more when he's interacting with him. I also like that they are setting up a rivalry between him and Gremlin.

    Now while we haven't gotten any toy scans I can see Mayu becoming a witch but not being called a rider. Hopefully this week is not too much of a departure because aside from last week Wizard has been on fire.

  2. Dang you are very right about the classic rider feel again. This fits V3 very well. I don't hate Kousuke he's a fun character and is different from the usual secondary rider. Shunpei is another that is fun and is being more helpful in the recent episodes. I just so can't wait for a female rider in a series for once!

  3. Two Words: Wow.

    I was all excited to see the team finally fail (been rooting for that since the beginning) but what we ended up getting was a whole different thing...and it's awesome.

    1. Yea this was a great way to have the team nearly lose since as I said before if Misa didn't overcome her despair then it would have been over. Also isn't "Wow" one word

    2. I agree, I thought that this was the episode where everyone thinks - Finally a new phantom is born! Hour heroes have failed to save a gate and them the big reveal!!!!

      Wizard is really is a great series! I hope other like it as well!

    3. I am loving Wizard and for Japan it's doing great. Sadly some of the fans aren't too happy with it. I think it was Henshin something (forget their name) saying Wizard is the worst rider series right now. I mean that's something to say right there, have they seen Decade?

  4. For me Misa / Medusa's action of killing her parents is reminiscent of how Orphnochs and Worms Operate in Kamen Rider Faiz and Kabuto.... which is coincidentally 2 of my favorite Rider Shows as well as Wizard!!!

    This episode is really is a "shocker" (pardun the pun!) in a truly unexpected way!

    Good Review!

    1. The Phantoms in general have a Orphnoch like feeling to them, but along with some mixture of Grongi and Worm as well. Faiz was good it just tried a little too hard with the dark elements. Kabuto was better when I watched it again, but there are some parts I cannot fully like as some of the ending parts did have confusions like the Hoppers.

  5. I have this wild idea about the White Wizard...

    What if he and Wise Man is just a single individual. We have seen in past episodes that Wiseman indirectly gave Haruto a magic stone. Either that or the two are making a high breed of a mage-phantom or phatom mage that would either rid of each other's forces or wipe out the entire world. Just an idea.

    1. It's a possibility, this is a reason why I am really liking this series. There are big moments and we are still left guessing at some parts. We just have to find out.

  6. Holy crap this just made the series one of the top 3 kamen rider series in my list. Just WOW

    1. That is very good to hear, I will wait till the series is over to determine where Wizard will go. If it continues like the way it is, it could be in my top five.
