Thursday, March 13, 2014

My Top Ten Worst Kamen Rider Designs

It finally comes to this, in 2012 I listed down my favorite rider designs and now it's time to get to the terrible ones. These are the designs that are lazy, lack creativity, or just look ugly in general. No more build up though, it's time to begin the countdown!

10. Kamen Rider Fourze Magnet States
Starting out is the big and clunky form from the Fourze series. My major problem with Magnet States isn't the size, but the blandness it has. Unlike Elec and Fire States that give completely new colors to Fourze and blend well with the white parts of the original Fourze suit, Magnet doesn't. Silver and white do not mix well as the feet just don't match with the suit whatsoever. Then with the silver there is barely enough red or blue to really make the suit jump out. I think it would have helped if they did a Cyclone Joker Xtreme style with the form by having red and blue take more of the color scheme along with silver. Then Fourze's head looks silly and that's saying something when the original form of his head was a big rocket. I will say though I do like the tank idea it shows and having the two magnets on the side of his arms is a nice touch. Overall the suit just needed some more color to help it out.
9. Kamen Rider Glaive, Lance, and L'arc
Reminding me of bland there are the three movie riders from the Blade movie that no one really cared for. Even the movie didn't care for them as they were barely in the movie. I still do enjoy the Blade movie a good amount, but these three riders are too bland for me to like. First they do represent the Ace motif well, but I' not a fan of the big "A" on the chest. I can say at least Glaive gets some more detail with his chest, but Lance and L'arc just get black with no green or red lines like Glaive has with the gold lines. I will say I do like their helmets though so there's that. Finally, these three riders if you gave them the same colors they easily would have been treated like a solider style rider like the Riotroopers.
8. Kamen Rider OOO Tamashii 
Now here is what I talk about a lazy form. The first thing to mention is that the head doesn't change with this special combo as the normal Taka head doesn't match with the overall suit. Then there are the huge spikes on his shoulders and I know this represents Momotaros, but sheesh looks how big they are! Finally with red on red the bottom part is gold. This color scheme just doesn't work in general, now a blend of gold, red, and black can work out well look at Kiva's Emperor Form. The problem with Tamashii though it doesn't mix the colors around which was a problem with random combos with OOO and this movie form has that problem as well.
7. Kamen Rider Poseidon
This is another OOO movie design that shares the same problem as Tamashii, but it does it much worse. First is the mixture of the colors, light blue, dark, blue, and dark red. Again there is nothing that really makes them look connected as I wonder how OOO would have looked with those three medals. First the helmet is okay I will say as the fins around his head is a nice idea. The yellow eyes even work with the light blue helmet. The problem comes with the dark blue center piece and then looking down at his legs. Both of these parts just don't match with each other or even share similar patterns. The center piece tries to work with gills on the top part and then the red legs look like something ancient. Even his weapon doesn't match with his suit, so yea this is a very colorful mess.
6. Kamen Rider Gaim Pine Arms
I do know of some other Lock Seed forms like Kiwi that easily could have tied with this form, but I will Pine is worse mostly because of the head piece. The green leafs around the head look silly and personally it should only have been on top of the head. I will say the chest piece is fine, but then we have the terrible should parts. First they are flimsy and just get in the way when the suit actor is trying to perform and they give the suit way too much bulk. The bottom editions of the shoulder pads are not needed or at least make them smaller and have them actually be on the suit. I so hope I don't have to see Pine Arms on any other rider.
5. Kamen Rider X
First of all, X isn't the only Showa rider on the list and yes the Showa riders are much older, but I still love most of the designs. What I don't like about X is his suit color being a grayish-blue and along with that his name is supposed to be X and yet there are "V's" on his helmet. Now they tried to make the big black "V" look like an "X" with shading the helmet with some black, but I still see a "V" overall. Also his scarf is too silly for me as the riders before him had simple scarves and his come with a logo. Then the mixture of the colors just doesn't look well, the grayish-blue with the red chest piece don't fuse well, but at least it works with the black gloves and boots. Personally I feel silver would have been a better color since his helmet clearly has that and works well with his red eyes.
4. Riderman
Here is the final Showa rider on the list and yes I explained before that I love Riderman as a character and I even love his weapons, but his design is awful. First is the helmet as his face doesn't even get covered, I really don't get why it's like that. Along with that the helmet has blue, silver, red, and green! Four colors on one helmet and it's not needed. For the big "V" just have red and silver because that would work well because his eyes are red. His yellow scarf doesn't match with the scheme as a better color would have been black or red. His chest piece is silly because the armor parts don't even cover his whole chest and has a big "A" with the same colors as the "V" on the helmet. Then his belt is just confusing, silly buttons on an solid blue arrow, that's it. It feels like Riderman was rushed to be put in the show as this is easily the worst design form the Showa era.
3. Kamen Rider Den-o Gun Form
What the hell is Gun Form supposed to be? I keep looking at Gun Form and can never understand what his motif is supposed to be. The only part I can tell it's a dragon is because of the little yellow pieces near the helmet and that's all I got. His helmet is too big with the purple piece extending too far and has a silly center piece as that easily could have just been yellow. The worst though is the chest piece, expands out way too much and just make it look too easy to break. I can easily see a piece of the chest plate just flying off if someone actually hit it with a bat. Then for a purple form it barely uses purple as silver dominates most of the suit. At least the three forms before him actually had their representing colors be the overwhelming color.
2. Kamen Rider Decade Complete
Who hasn't make fun of this form? Decade Complete is easily one of the worst designs because of that horrible chest piece. Slabbing on all the cards is unnecessary and makes it look hard to move with. Imagine trying to walk around with that on your chest? Then anything that was nice to look at in the original Decade is gone because it gets replaced with silver and black. Pink is not even that dominated in the design so there goes any nice color arrangements. Then having the belt being a tablet device is even worse than Riderman's belt because I can work with cellphones, but when we start bringing bigger devices we got a problem. Mostly the big problem with this final form is that it betrays what Decade's design had and replaces it boring colors and the silly arrangement of cards on his chest.
1. Kamen Rider Den-o Climax Form
Congrats Den-o, you take both bronze and gold is terrible designs! With Gun Form at least it's one thing and it doesn't try adding other parts in and the same for Decade Complete. Climax form though tries to add everyone in on the fun. Nothing matches with this form at all; first the helmet didn't need to add a new part as it should have just had the brighter eye pieces. The Rod and Axe shoulder pads don't mix with the color red and stand out way too much on their own. Then Gun Form is right on the chest piece which looks fine if Gun Form wasn't there. The major problem with Den-o is that it just kept adding onto the base form which for some worked, but Climax put way too much on this time and don't get me started with Cho Climax Form because that is just the same form, but with wings. So in a way both Climax and Cho Climax Form are the worst designs for a Kamen Rider.

That is my list for these terrible looking riders, if you liked any of these designs you are free to argue with me. Everyone has their own tastes so don't worry if something you like was on the list. For me these designs were just ugly or boring because unlike cool designs from Kiva or Double the ugly forms just had terrible color schemes and poor balancing. Either way though I barely get to talk about my least favorite things so it's nice to vent out some anger with the franchise at times.


  1. What about diend complete?

    1. I don't like that design, but I don't hate the design as well. I think it's mostly because the cards on the chest are actually organized and not just one straight line. Also it doesn't betray Diend's original design as it does keep more of it compared to Decade Complete.

  2. 5. den o axe
    4.g den o
    2 den o gun
    1.den o climax/super climax

    1. Axe form is basic for me, it's not amazing, but it's not terrible at the same time. Gaoh I actually like a good amount as it's easily my favorite of the Den-o designs which isn't saying much, but oh well. G Den-o is like Axe form for me, it's not good or bad

    2. gaoh looks incomplete

    3. I think all the Den-o forms look incomplete in their own way, well maybe except Rod and Wing. With Gaoh the actually put some more material on the suit compared to Sword or Axe Form. Also all the alligator touches is pretty awesome in my book.

    4. I hate gaoh's helmet

    5. why pick on den o? i personally LOVE den o designs

  3. where's kuuga ultimate

    1. I hope you mean Rising Ultimate because that is a little messy of a form, but I still like it. Still the original Ultimate is my favorite design to this day.

  4. top 10 kamen rider themes

  5. Do you like the designs from kamen rider gaim?

    1. I mostly love the designs for Gaim, Pine and Kiwi are just terrible though.

  6. Maybe you forgot imperer and scissor from ryuki,its really a boring design...

    1. I like both of their designs because you can see the themes right there. That is at least much better than some designs not even making a bit of sense.

  7. Well, since it's 2015 and Type Formula for Drive has been revealed, I'd think that one's pretty bad, save for the helmet design.

    1. But u gotta admit the sound the belt makes with the Formula Shift Car is awesome

    2. I think you meant Type Tridoron God Lord I thought after Decade we were done with crappy designs Drive has slapped us in the face with em Mach Deadheat(no not regular Mach that design's just ok in my book), Chaser(not Mashin Chaser that design was awesome), and Type Tridoron, Types Speed, Wild Technic, and Formula were actually pretty cool, and Drive Type Deadheat was just ok

  8. I actually like most of the designs in Drive. Not a fan of Type Tridoron's tire koukans though..

    1. to me Type Tridoron's TK's are the only redeemable factor along with the noises the belt makes and the helmet

  9. ok I S2G I've seen something that looks like Den-o's Gun Form before I don't know where but the head looks familiar(even when I was getting into Den-o I couldn't point out where I've seen it but Gun Form's head looks familiar I kinda dig Gun Form it's the good kind of crazy IMO but I can understand why people don't like it)

  10. Either form of Decade is bad. Way too much pink...

  11. im a huge fan of kamen rider, but most of the latest kamen riders are to put it...just nice to see and look....most of the designs are cool definitely (for reference, i like the 555 designs), but IMHO, there are too many ornament designs that's quite unnecessary lately and looks very much like they're just living and moving i said, nice to see, but at the same time it's distracting when it come to the action itself...Wizard's basic design looks very cool, but not when he changes to flame dragon style...again, IMHO...

  12. UHM I think Deep Specter from Kamen Rider Ghost is so bad it's worthy of having this whole list updated so it can be #1
