Sunday, July 6, 2014

Three Divisions Has Started!

The beginning of a new Let's Play is among us! Again this is myself with a friend of mine as we are just beginning. I promise things will only get better as things progress. I am starting with No More Heroes which I have discussed on this blog before. It's my absolute favorite game and I want to share the experience with many other people. Please just try to spread this out as much as we can and subscribe because I really want to make this a permanent thing. I love entertainment as I'm not going to act fake or anything, that is actually what I want from my let's play, a natural feeling to it. If there is a mess up you will probably see it. I want to be as real as I can be for comedic effect. So again please support us as this could be the start of a glorious new LP!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on being able to start your own LP.
