Thursday, July 17, 2014

Toku Warriors!

I have posted a couple of videos on this site before, but this is actually the first time I am going to talk about the Toku Warriors. It's a podcast that I have become a part of last year and while I was more of a guest in the beginning, I have easily become a regular in the group. We talk about Toku shows like you would expect, but we also did some other side things like E3 coverage or other video game things. It's something that I have fun with and it got me to meet great people as this really made the blog feel worth it, finding people that I can truly call friends and talk with. Sure time will move on like usual, but who knows what the future holds. All I know right now I am absolutely happy to be in this group and that's what matters to me. The Toku Warriors have recently brought up a new Youtube channel as I hope you guys can subscribe and help us out! Spread the news any way possible!

The video here is my first appearance. Then here is the link to the new channel.


  1. Thanks Sean for the plug, I'm happy the channel got all the videos up it took all day to get them up XD

  2. We're glad to have you on board buddy. It has been fun talking with you for over a year both live and ordinary video chats.
