Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Super Smash Bros Special: Punch-Out!! Wii

Today I am starting the Super Smash Bros Special! Now this is going to be longer than a month since I will be looking at games being represented by the new characters in the recent Smash Bros game. Today we are starting out with Punch-Out on the Wii. Now there is a reason I wanted to review this game compared to the other games. Now for a little history the game started out at the arcades in 1984 and since then it has a total of six games in the franchise. Punch-Out is easily known for being heavily racist as when it began it was horrible. The character known as Pizza Pasta is still the most awful character in the franchise and has never appeared again. Then there was Vodka Drunkenski which has been changed to Soda Popinski and yet still carries his alcohol puns. Punch-Out still had that charm though because it made fun of everyone in the original days and even the NES and SNES days. So what does the new Punch-Out bring to the tables then?

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