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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Kyoryuger Episode 5 Review: A Not So Sweet Delight

In this episode of Kyoryuger we get the first Happy monster of the series, but things do wrong as the monster of the week goes berserk and gives people cavities! Will our heroes teeth get rotten to the bone, or will they somehow teach this monster some dental hygiene.
Well the whole cavity thing is not the main focus of the episode, but I would think having that would be a nice comedic episode. This episode shows the thing I talked about since the beginning. The team is starting to have more issues again as Souji and Ian are not getting along with each other. Now I can see these two having some anger at each other since Souji is more strict and Ian is a carefree guy. Still this could have been resolved if..... you know what I am saying, I'm tired of being a broken record. Even Torin sees that it could take a while for a team become a real Sentai, but again...... sorry having trouble letting this go. So yea the two bicker with each other, but what I did like was how that didn't affect Ian that much. When fighting the monster he uses Souji to count how many times the monster attacks since that will be very important later on. It got resolved a little too fast though and with an easy realization so nothing big for Souji, but Ian got some points for how he was this time.
Going on with Ian as I said before I liked how he kept his carefree nature and still being a caring person as well. We meet Ramirez a past warrior who needs help with his partner. The team suspect that Ankydon is having a cavity problem as well since he had that glow in his mouth. Now for the audience it's very obvious that this isn't the truth since the monster was just made recently and we only saw him make cakes. So yea I thinking showing the monster being born ruined the Ankydon part of the plot, but what about Ramirez. I don't care for this character so far at all. His acting is different... I know he is a foreigner, but I don't find his delivery believable. Also nothing big on his character expect that we learn he is similar like Ian with his carefree attitude. Going on with this we find that Ramirez is a ghost and he cannot do anything for his partner. So Ian is being kind and he actually leaves Souji behind so he can cool off. It's just he has a hard time showing his emotions. As I said I really liked how Ian was as he already being more of a team player, but just having a hard time showing it. Even with him goofing off he still does work. Overall Ian's character got better, but the people who were involved with it weren't that well.
For the villains we finally get to see Canderrilla and Luckyuro finally do something, but it seems that can't even do well for themselves. The monster for the emotion of happiness was a cook who mostly made sweets and making people happy when they eat them. I did enjoy the beginning of this plan since it wasn't hurting people. Sadly the plan got completely ruined as the cook monster goes crazy and actually gives people despair. He gets a strange power that gives people cavities which again is the biggest proof that he did nothing to Ankydon since he just got this power. The design of the monster is interesting and unique and he didn't seem to be a big fighter, but he just goes crazy and yea. I was hoping this monster would fight, but still keep the happiness he shows it would have been interesting to see. We just got another crazy guy though so he isn't that memorable, heck tons of the monsters so far aren't special. Then Canderrilla and Luckyuro just stand around and do nothing about this, making them look completely incompetent.
Even the fights had nothing big except for some new powers, but they just got used and that was it. The new powers didn't have a big thing and one was just used to back the monster away during the giant fight. Now I like that since batteries can be used even with the mechs. Sadly, fire breathe isn't that special since it didn't get a big focus or anything like the usual Sentai. The best part of the action was when Ian and Souji start working together since we see more combinations of batteries. Going on with the monster the amount of beams he has is from the number of teeth he has and they have to wait until he fired all the beams to strike his teeth. So it's like the monster needs to reload and seeing Ian counting them was great. He even messes up and gets cavities. Then him and Souji know about his beams and Souji gets rid of them with his sword combined with Ian's powers. Then Ian uses Souji's powers to finish the monster off. The mech did have a more highlighting moment when the full team are in the robot and a sword is revealed. This is very different since a sword is a weapon a robot would already have. Also it comes from when the shield changes into the sword so it's a change of defensive to offensive. Now I do wonder if the other forms of Kyoryujin will have a weapon change? Overall the last action scenes were more memorable this time since there was much better teamwork and a nice way to make a common weapon like a sword having a reveal.
There was a comedy aspect like the other episodes, but it was off. As I said before Canderrilla and Luckyuro were just being idiots and I was hoping for their first time having a plan they would try to do more. So their scenes didn't make me laugh, it just got me mad at them. What I did like was when Ian got cavities since he couldn't bear the pain so in role call he couldn't do it and kept his hand on his chin. I did get a laugh from Ramirez, but only because his acting was off. I mean we had foreigners in Sentai before like Richard Brown! That guy was great and his acting was very uplifting. He gave good energy and didn't sound odd when he talked. I hope Ramirez will do something like Richard did because I know he is going to be the Cyan warrior so it's common to have expectations for an actual Kyoryuger. So yea the comedy mostly worked better when it got closer to the end like the action.
Finally the episode ends with a twist that everyone saw coming. Ankydon did have cavities, but he is actually being controlled by another monster. The thing is that Canderrilla and Luckyuro didn't know who it was. So does this mean there are different monsters who aren't a part of the Debos Army? I liked the ending since we got some good build up for this villain. I just hope he won't be the MOTW for the next episode. Cause if he can control the dinosaurs imagine what he could do to this team. So again I got good expectations for the next episode.
Overall it's an okay episode. I wasn't a fan of the beginning of the episode since the comedy didn't get me and seeing Souji and Ian fighting each other just makes me think that there could be more struggles and knowing that this could be avoided just makes me mad. Even worse Canderrilla and Luckyuro were doing nothing about the monster going crazy. The monster wasn't even that memorable along with some new powers that were used in this episode. Also there is Ramirez who I don't care for right now since his acting is not that good and he just sounds weird. More of the last things were much better with Ian having a good comedic moment and seeing him work with Souji was well done in the action portion. The mecha fight was surprisingly more memorable than most of the other things in the episode. Finally the ending of this episode leaves at a good point since we got a build up for a big villain. I give it a C since the beginning was hard to get through, but if you did get through it the episode saves itself from being below average.
Next Time: Kyoryu Cyan!

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